Onboarding meeting for former South-North volunteers

This friday on 2nd February at 4:30 pm you have the chance to get informed about the different ways to be involved in our organisation, to connect with others and start talking about the topics that are important to you!

You want to change things about weltwärts? Your opinion and your voice matter! Come and learn how to bring in your perspective with PFIF.

You want to work on better structures and more possibilites for former volunteers to stay involved, bringing in their experiences into the society? Then you can help us develop the concept for the weltwärts-alumni work.

Or maybe you want to work on topics of „Globales Lernen“, organize or hold workshops, connect with other people who support the just transformation of society? Then get some info about the undjetzt?!-conference and find out how you can complete the team.

This and many more is possible so just pop by and tell us about you!

This is the link to the Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/87943264485?pwd=zvthDqljV9PGdwiblIq7za9UDZ7lOA.1

We will be happy to see you there! Language of the meeting will be english (german translations possible)

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